Thursday 4 June 2015

Introduction - Time to start blogging \o/


For those who don't know me, let me introduce myself ;)
My name is Szymon Waliczek and I tend to describe myself as a "freelance open source developer". I've started my journey with coding back in 2011 inspired by Jono Bacon and his tutorial on how to start developing applications for Ubuntu :)

At this point my knowledge about coding was equal to null or undefined ;) so Jono's tutorial was great start for me. Thanks to Jono for this great tutorial! Back then there was all about Python and GTK and this is where I started, on one workspace Chrome with YouTube "python for beginners" and on another terminal with bpython opened (because everyone know that you need to explore and made hundreds of mistakes before you learn something).
In my next blog post I'll share with you my very first desktop app.

In the mean time I was exploring with C++ and bash. After my adventure with Python, C++ and others, Canonical did great entry at MWC 2013 - Ubuntu Phone. Since then I changed the way I spend my free time :D - I started to learn how to develop mobile apps in QML. This is what I mainly do this days.

I'm very open minded person, apart from coding I love repairing cars - from changing a light bulb to rebuilding whole engine :). I also like to do any electrical related repairs and home renovations like tailing, plastering, painting, plumbing. As you can see coding is not all my life but it's huge part of it, however I have to admit that biggest part of my life is my family ;)

Back in February 2015 I was invited to London by Canonical to the launch of the very first Ubuntu Touch phone made by BQ \o/ very well waited moment!
At the same moment me and few other people from community become Ubuntu Insiders.

This is it for now.
In my next blog posts I'll go through my apps development. First Magic Ebay :)

Thanks for reading!


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